8 Best YouTube Tricks, Hacks and Secret Features

YouTube Tricks: Today we are here with some cool YouTube hidden tricks and hacks that you should know.


With lots of us who are very much into music, YouTube is quite a great place for listening to music. In case you desire to listen to a song over and over again. It's quite east to add repeater after Youtube in the URL. This will then open the video at YoutubeReapeater.com, which loops the video for you. Just change the URL "youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=OKKbkS_LOu4&app=desktop" to this  "youtuberepeater.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=OKKbkS_LOu4&app=desktop" to loop it.

2. Link it to any part of the video

Mostly, when you copy a link to a youtube video, it usually starts from the beginning. It is possible to skip some part of the video by including a timestamp to the URL to start it at that time.
This can be done in many ways. One is by adding manaually " &t=YmXXs " to the end of the video URL, you will set it to start many minutes or seconds into the video. You can omit minutes or seconds such as 90s for a minute ans a half.
Incase you don't want the manual method, just pause the video at the time you'd like to share it at, then right click and choose Copy video at URL at the current time.

3. Skip a certain amount of intro

Just like you can pick start time, you are also able to choose to skip some portion of of the start of the video. However, you can't specify minutes with this one, so use 90seconds for a minute and half. In order to skip first 30 seconds of a video, add start=30 to the end of URL.
This doesn't require you to remember any time stamps and its easier and faster.

4. Check out YouTube TV

YouTube is just an interface designed for smart TVs and apps on consoles. There is no big difference since its still same YouTube only that it's optimised with few shortcuts that are easier for remotes. Just visit the URL " youtube.com/tv " .

5. Mash up YouTube videos

For this, you can't visit it right from the YouTube since it isn't a URL hack. However, we shall include it since it also utilizes YouTube URLs. Just visit YouTube Doubler and you will able to add two URLs to mix together. You can start either video at a certain time to help to sync up well.

6. Make a GIF from a video

Creating an animated GIF from any part of a video is quite simple with YouTube and best YouTube Tricks. This is when you find one that is worthy of a GIF though. To create an animated GIF from any part of a video, just add GIF before the YouTube link. So to edit this video into a GIF we do this:
Change the URL for this :
This will bring you to Gifs.com where you can add a variety of effects and crop the GIF to your desire. Once you have done it, you can share the GIF to social networks or else download it for safe keeping. Beware that videos must be under an hour to use this service.

7. Download youtube videos

Most of us like downloading videos for offline viewing and even with YouTube there are a couple of shortcuts that enable us to do that. Before the youtube.com in the URL, type either pwn or kick to jump to services that will let you download those videos in a variety of formats. So, this URL:
Can be downloaded by changing the URL in either of these down here:
Some of the contents are copyrighted YouTube videos though, like music.

8. Bypass Age Restriction 

Well a couple of videos on YouTube have got mature content some of which are explicit. This is why you may find that there are age restrictions on some videos on YouTube. However, if you don’t feel like signing in or you just don’t have a YouTube account, you can as well bypass the sign-in using this simple trick.
Take a YouTube URL for a restricted video like this one
Delete the “watch?” And replace the “=” with another / to create a URL that looks like this
This trick will play the video in full screen mode and let you watch it without signing in. Try this to access region-locked content as well.

Comment below if you have any queries.


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